Advancement FAQs
University Advancement FAQs
We know it can be confusing to even know what question to ask – or who to call to ask it. We have tried to anticipate what, in our experiences, are our most frequently asked questions and to provide a starting point for answers. We hope you'll let us know, call, or stop by if you have any further questions.
University Development, located in Main Hall 301, can assist you in your fund raising efforts.
Learn more on the Give site.
We have a staff of experts and a host of resources that can help you with questions regarding marketing, branding, public/media relations, advertising, planning university events and connecting with alumni.
Staff in the Advancement office can provide you with creative direction and resource information to get your brochure put together. Please contact us or fill out a request.
We are located in Main Hall on the third floor.
We, in partnership with Web Services, can help you with the content of your website. Please contact web services for your website needs.
A press release is an important part of any marketing effort and the Office of University Communications and Media Relations is prepared to assist you. All press and electronic contacts should be coordinated with University Communications and Media Relations. That's not to say you can't contact area media. We simply ask that you do so in coordination with our office. This avoids confusion and allows us to work together to effectively represent the university.
Please see the Press Release and Media Relations FAQ for detailed information.
Send us your questions on the Contact University Advancement page.