Advancement Offices
Vice Chancellor of University Advancement
University Advancement works closely with staff from the CU Office of Government Relations to represent campus interests at both the State and Federal levels. This includes monitoring key legislation, working with local delegations, and promoting university opportunities for funding.
Alumni and Donor Engagement
The Alumni and Donor Engagement team serves to foster relationships with our community of alumni, donors, and friends by providing opportunities for engagement, delivering excellent benefits, pursuing impactful stewardship activities, and connecting constituents with meaningful volunteer, experiential, and philanthropic endeavors.
Chancellor & University Events
The Office of Chancellor Events and University Events partners with the Chancellor’s Office and University Advancement team, focusing on donor, scholarship, system-level, and campus annual events. This Office averages over 200 events annually, varying in size and content.
University development professionals support fundraising on behalf of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Our donors are fueling success today and for generations to come. Private philanthropy allows UCCS to expand its excellence and impact by supporting the scholarships, buildings, centers, and programs that make UCCS an exciting place to learn, teach, research, and work.
Marketing & Communications
University Marketing and Communications is responsible for internal and external communications, and is comprised of the following offices:
University Communications & Media Relations
Responding to media inquiries about the university, actively encouraging local and regional media outlets to cover university activities, internal communications, and executive communications, and managing the official social media channels are some of the areas of responsibility for University Communications and Media Relations.
Learn more about Communications and Media Relations »
University Marketing
University Marketing coordinates university marketing with our agency partner, and student recruitment marketing, conducted through the Marketing Integration Team, composed of Marketing, Student Success, campus marketers, and outside agency representatives.
Learn more about University Marketing »
Brand and Design
Brand and Design coordinates brand management, creative and graphic design, trademarks and licensing, photography, and digital asset management. We elevate the impact of the university brand throughout our community by applying consistent brand standards and well-executed design.
Learn more about Brand and Design »
Video Production
The Video Production department (formerly known as Media Services) primarily creates videos for Marketing, outreach efforts, and live events.
Learn more about Video Production »
Auxiliary Services Marketing
The Auxiliary Services Marketing Department provides high-level support to UCCS Auxiliary Services units—Bookstore, Dining, Parking, Housing, etc.—through strategic marketing planning, internal marketing campaigns, creative design, and internal communications.
Learn more about Auxiliary Services Marketing »