Brand and Design

Brand and Design is part of University Marketing and Communications. Our role is to focus, clarify and articulate the UCCS brand to support the University's strategic plan. We seek to be the expert resource, crafting designs, tools and guidance to strengthen the UCCS brand and help campus marketers succeed.


Brand Management

It is important to have a strong, consistent, recognizable brand identity. We're here to help, provide guidance, and answer questions. We'll work with you to make sure what you produce contributes to a strong and effective UCCS brand, which in turn supports our university's long-term strategic goals. Information about the brand, including the Brand Identity Standards document as a downloadable pdf, as well as downloads of logo artwork and templates, are available at the UCCS Brand website. This is also where you go to request customized artwork, send feedback, and ask questions.

Contact Gabby Hensley with questions or visit the UCCS Brand Website 


Design and Creative

We are here to help. We help elevate the impact of the university brand throughout our community by applying consistent brand standards and well-executed design. We’d love to work with you on any projects you have—big or small—to implement the brand in print, digital and interactive design, share best practices, assist with design thinking and strategy, identify resources, provide feedback, and clarify a path forward. If we can’t directly help produce your piece, we can suggest assets and resources to help you complete your project. Contact Gabby Hensley to get started.


Trademarks and Licensing

We are responsible for ensuring the correct use and integrity of UCCS trademark assets, including marks and verbiage. The trademark licensing program regulates, promotes, and protects the use of the University's name and identifying marks, and the reputation they represent, both on and off campus, ensuring the quality and consistency of the university brand on university merchandise, while creating a cooperative and positive working relationship with the manufacturers, licensees and retailers who work with the University. More information about the university's trademark licensing program is available at Trademarks and Licensing Program




Photography Coordination and Digital Asset Management

We help coordinate the photography needs for the campus by maintaining both an online selection of downloadable UCCS photography as well as a more comprehensive digital collection in a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system. We can assist you with DAM strategies, existing asset retrieval, and can also help you hire a professional photographer to capture your event or photos for your marketing materials. Contact Gabby Hensley with questions or visit the UCCS Photography Database »

